Dashne A. Sedeeq is a lecturer of English Language and Linguistics in the department of International Marketing and Languages at the Erbil Polytechnic University. She was awarded a PhD by the School of English at the University of Leicester, Leicester, UK, in 2018.
She mostly teaches modules like English language for non-native speakers, grammar, and general linguistics. She also teaches intensive modules in academic and business writing for postgraduate and undergraduate students.
Her research ranges across a variety of areas in linguistics, such as sociolinguistics and lexicography. She is also interested in conducting research on education in the Kurdistan Region in general. Further to her career as a lecturer, she is the lead applicant for the project ‘Realising Education’s Promise for Children Refugees from Syria: Assessment of Education Provision and Learning Environments in Iraq’.
Last but not least, Dr. Sedeeq has greatly participated in developing and implementing a curriculum design. As a result, a Technical English book has been published for the undergraduate students of all the colleges and institutions of Erbil Polytechnic University.
Dr. Fuad Khoshnaw, academic collaborative link tutor and Senior Lecturer in the School of Engineering and Sustainable Development at De Montfort University in the United Kingdom. In 2010, he received PhD in Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering from Loughborough University, UK.
In 2005, Dr Khoshnaw has become a Chevening scholar through joining Chevening Technology Enterprise CTES programme, through finishing the Innovation and Technology course at London Business School. Previously, from 2010 to 2016, he worked as a Professor of Manufacturing Engineering as well as the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering at Koya University, Kurdistan, Iraq. Dr Khoshnaw, so far, has published 50 papers, the editor of 5 books, in different international journals and conferences.
Selar is a lecturer of the English language at Erbil Polytechnic University. She has a doctoral of philosophy in Education (University of Southampton 2017) and a Master’s in Education (University of Nottingham 2008). Her PhD study is based on the higher education reform policy in the Kurdistan region of Iraq (KRI). Selar held several managerial positions, such as head of grants and funds, cultural relations, training center, scholarships and delegation, and international office, at universities and the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research (KRI). She is also a country representative of Imperial English UK (IEUK). Furthermore, she has participated in international and national conferences, workshops and seminars, and published research papers in international journals. Her research interests are higher education reform, quality assurance and accreditation of higher education, internationalization of higher education, and educational consultancy.
Richard Hall is Professor of Education and Technology at De Montfort University, and the research and evaluation lead for Decolonising DMU. A UK National Teaching Fellow, Richard writes about the political economy of higher education. He is the author of The Hopeless University: Intellectual Work at The End of The End of History (Mayfly Books, 2021), and The Alienated Academic: The Struggle for Autonomy Inside the University (Palgrave Macmillan, 2018). Richard is an independent visitor for a looked-after child, and a governor of the Leicester Primary Pupil Referral Unit. He writes about life in higher education at http://richard-hall.org and his publications are listed on Richard’s DMU webpages.
Dr Suha Omar is a Visiting Research Fellow in Marketing at the Faculty of Business and Law, De Montfort University, where she served as a Senior Lecturer in Marketing. She led the BA Marketing Programme and many marketing modu les such as Digital Marketing and Marketing Research (UG), and Strategic Emarketing and Marketing Research in Practice (PG). Her research interests are in Services, Relationship and Digital marketing, and Higher Education. Suha has published her research in ABS 3* & 2* journals and presented at leading international conferences.
Dr. Nisreen Ameen is a Senior Lecturer in Digital Marketing at Royal Holloway, University of London and the Co-Director of the Digital Organisation and Society research centre. Nisreen is also currently serving as Vice President of the UK Academy of Information Systems (UKAIS). She is an Associate Editor for Information Technology and People, Computers in Human Behavior and the International Journal of Consumer Studies. Nisreen has also served as a Guest Editor for special issues in various top ranked journals such as: Information Systems Frontiers, Computers in Human Behavior, Psychology and Marketing, Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of Business Research, The Service Industries Journal and International Journal of Consumer Studies.
Nisreen’s research focuses on two main themes: first, consumer interactions with new-age technologies; and second, how organisations can use these technologies to provide better experiences, services and products. Within these main themes, her research interests include digital marketing and entrepreneurship, human-computer interaction consumer behaviour, and organisational use of consumer data. She also focuses on cross-national and cross-cultural research in developing, emerging and developed markets. She has expertise in qualitative and quantitative methods of data analysis; in particular, survey and experimental research. Her research has been published in high-ranking journals: the British Journal of Management; the International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior and Research; Psychology and Marketing; Information Technology and People; Information Systems Frontiers; Internet Research; Computers in Human Behavior; Information Systems Management; Information Technology for Development; the British Journal of Educational Technology; and the International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship.
Nisreen’s work has been featured in world-leading media outlets such as CNN, World Bank, The Conversation, New Stateman and Fast Company.
Dr. Georgios Tsimonis, a Senior Lecturer in Marketing at De Montfort University, Leicester, UK, is the acting Programme Leader for the MSc Marketing Management Programme.
He joined the FHEA in 2019.
He earned a PhD in Marketing from Athens University of Economics & Business, Greece, focusing on social media brand building. Social Media, Digital, Relationship, Consumer Behaviour, and Services Marketing are his research areas.
Dr. Tsimonis has written, taught, and led many postgraduate and undergraduate marketing modules, displaying his dedication to student success.
Dr. Tsimonis prioritises research alongside teaching, striving to publish research articles in top marketing journals and gain financing for new research projects.
His research has appeared in top marketing journals like the International Journal of Market Research, Journal of Retailing & Consumer Services, Marketing Intelligence & Planning, International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising, and International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences.
Ali H Al-Bayatti, Deputy Head of School of Computer Science and Informatics at De Montfort University, Associate Professor in Cyber Security. Ali is also the Director of the National Cyber Security (NCSC) Centre Academic Centre of Excellence – Cyber Security Education (ACE-CSE) at De Montfort university (DMU).
His current research is multi-disciplinary, it includes Vehicular Ad hoc Networks, Driver Behaviour, Cyber Security (e.g. Security Management) and Smart Technologies (e.g. Context-aware Systems, IoT) that promote collective intelligence. Applications range from promoting comfort to enabling safety in critical scenarios. Editorial Board member & Guest Editor of multiple international journal.
Dr Amr Al Khateeb is a Senior Lecturer in Marketing at Liverpool Business School, Liverpool John Moores University. Previously he worked for De Montfort University, Nottingham Trent University and University of Reading. His research primarily focuses on online retailing, consumer behaviour and branding and has published in various marketing journals. Amr is a Certified Management and Business Educator (CMBE) and a Fellow with Advance HE (FHEA) and he has completed his Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice (PGCAP) along with Academic Professional Apprenticeship at De Montfort University.
Amr has been volunteering for refugees-related projects for the last 12 years. As a London Ambassador, he represents Jusoor Syria in the UK and supports the organisation’s events and activities including organising a conference in London in 2013 to bring Syrian expatriates together and facilitating a workshop on scaling Jusoor’s refugee education programme in Lebanon. He joined the British Red Cross between 2016 and 2019 to support Syrian refugees arriving in the UK as part of the government resettlement programme.
In addition to the prominent participants, other people are involved in the network. And both their participation and the abilities that they brought to the project had a huge effect on how it turned out.